More about the MapleStory M's Arena functions from Sletrry's blog

Pretty much my idea about pay2win aspect and this current cap damage.Your thought guys about Maple M Mesos? Can you think cap harm is fine currently? What's the pay2win aspect for you? Yay I created a briefer and more precise thread.

This isn't a rant, this is my sincere opinion of an important aspect of this brilliant game, the value of the items in Maple Story gets totally destroyed with the upcoming Marvel Machine.

Among the most appealing things in this game is, bossing, with friends, guildies however a strong point of bossing is the income it provides, the oil of the runs, which an awesome thing that I believe many of maplers (financed or even not funded players) loves is gollux, performing gollux everyday amassing gollux items little by little every day, we need more things such as gollux from the sport.

So that you can see that MC is practically giving everything the player aims forplayers and players are having less meaning of bossing everyday since it is useless to boss from the game at this time, by way of example, CRA items worth almost nothing, Superior Items are going to diminish even more, and Tyrant Boots requires a tricky work of 70 coins going each week, it is going to be very cheap increasingly after every MC release, and the Cloaks are already more cheaper compared to NX thing PSOK (Platinum Karma) itself.

Now this match turned into NX USD exclusive buy Maple Mobile Mesos, so the bossing beauty have died and what is left in Maple Story to perform would be to provide more bucks for NX to do something (kill supervisors ) who won't benefit you.This is my short, clean and clear point of view in the game at this time, feel free to express your self.

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