Obtaining Star Force in MapleStory M from Sletrry's blog

Besides that, I believe that Hayato, for it is current underpowered standing, is quite hard to buff with out getting overpowered. It is already kind of a bully course early to mid game (Lv. 30-130) in terms KSing possible because of his mobbing skills, and his blisteringly fast Maplestory mobile mesos.

If you were to adjust the damage%'s of his Sanrenzan, or even add extra attack lines, then it makes him overpowered. Maybe if Shinsoku needed a greater% damage per line, it can help matters, but I would suggest including a bind of a kind to his kit.

Now, skills aside, I believe that there is an even greater reason he doesn't get as much love from players: his mastery. Granted, he has 60% command from the very beginning, but that would be it. Other classes get 80% control, keeping their damage relatively steady. Hayato? His damage jumps around as much as he does. There is also the issue of his assault multiplier (that is very hard to adapt in a means that's balanced).

To outline this, Hayato's Katana is known as 2h, but includes a multiplier more indicative of a 1h weapon. 2h swords/axes/maces have a general multiplier of 1.34, and spears/polearms have 1.49. With the aforementioned in mind, what, praytell, do you guys think would balance Hayato out?

I am totally lost. I've hit level , but buy Maple Mobile Mesos things started going wrong almost immediately. So I have a few concerns.The construct I am following says that my STR and DEX should just be at 4 points. But even before I added the additional point, they were already at 5. Did I mess up before I even started? The build also says that I should have put points into magician abilities at levels 8 and 9, but I did not come to be a magician until level 10. I'm hoping I did not mess that up also.

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