Waited without playing pservers for WoW Classic from Sletrry's blog

The business that started out with the priorities: 1 ). We create great matches, 2. We earn money, have changed this long ago.Sorry for the rant, but these are wow private server gold   that I had to get off MY torso;)there are lots of things I will not tolerate from Blizzard and if I see these at WoW Classic, I just won't play. It'll be the push I want to go to pservers, where I'll stay. That is coming from somebody who waited without playing pservers for WoW Classic for many years and past all hope possess patiently advocated! Comprehend that for a second.

So I just had this weird train of association between Nirvana to The Man Who Sold The World, which many believe is original to Bowie, to Nirvana, to Changes, to #nochanges. Oh well.If you want to play with US players and you also enjoyed the private server encounter so much, why not play on private servers (assuming you don't)?

I have been enjoying on Kronos III a bit, and there are some changes unless my memory of vanilla is totally off, that I noticed. Line of sight. Or talent unlearning costs. However, apart from that, it comes really close to what I remember. Depending on the way Blizzard implement WoW Classic, private servers may well be closer to the"real thing". I suppose it remains to be seen.

I would not call out people for playing on a PVE server, because some people just like collecting herbs and playing with buy lightbringer wow gold the AH and playing on a PVE server will allow those type of people that the luxury. Having PvP servers will possess these pver's whining and get these QOL changes like having the choice to turn on/off pvp. Hell let there be RP servers as well... let those people roll play with each other. That is what created WoW Classic so good... the capability to do what you wanted. Into exactly what everyone else is doing, not be pigeon holed.

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