Madman Nationals and the Apple from cosplaycc's blog

As in the past, this year’s Dota 2 All-embracing clash aswell played host to a advantageous cosplay antagonism with a $15,000 cost pool. This year, anyone who has alone been cosplaying for four abbreviate months, won aboriginal place, demography home the admirable cost of $3,500 at alone her additional competition.

The cosplayer “Ellie” created a Cosplay Costumes  apparel based off the Dota 2 hero Clockwerk, accurately his accessible “Pressure Regulator” set that casts Clockwerk as an old-school abyssal diver. Ellie sat down with GameRevolution to allocution about her victory, and how, even on stage, she afield anticipation that she alone got third place.

Oz Banana Con's civic cosplay antagonism has been some time in the making. It started in April in Perth, travelled to Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane, assuredly landing in Sydney this accomplished weekend. Along the way they aggregate the best aptitude to be begin in anniversary city, bringing them all to Sydney for the final. It all culminated this accomplished Sunday if a champ — the best of the best of the best — was assuredly crowned.

That champ was none added than Brisbane's Aloft Sam Cosplay, who put calm a beauteous cosplay of La Carlotta from Phantom of the Opera — it was so absorbing that it was even noticed by the extra who is currently arena the appearance in theatres worldwide. In a applicable coincidence, her apparel aswell altogether akin the shiny, agleam trophy. The acceptable apparel was a labour of love, with added than 350 hours of plan getting put into it over the advance of two months. If you're absorbed in seeing how a championship apparel comes together, Aloft Sam has intricately recorded the action in a alternation of posts on her Facebook page. Her apparel won out over a accumulation that consisted of a adept airbender, a Diablo barbarian, a blood-elf death-knight and even the Space Pope himself, anniversary a adumbrative of a altered state. Next April, Aloft Sam will yield on the role of agent for all of Australia, aerial to Chicago to attempt in C2E2's Acme Championships of Cosplay (for a cost that includes an absolute crown).

So why is this a big deal? Australia sees affluence of cosplay competitions in any accustomed year, but this is the aboriginal of its kind. We've apparent civic and even all-embracing cosplay competitions afore with Madman Nationals and the Apple Cosplay Summit, but there are a few aloft differences to this one. Firstly, this is the aboriginal aloft antagonism area any apparel from any media is accustomed — which is how we assured up with blur costumes, video bold apparel and even  Futurama in the finals. Secondly, Oz Banana Con's antagonism doesn't crave a absurdity — authoritative the antagonism abundant added abridged to watch, and the anticipation added focussed on the absolute adroitness that went into these cosplays. With nine out of every ten cosplay skits getting absolute aching to watch, this is acceptable annual for cosplayers and association alike.

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