What hes talking about wow classic gold from Limm's blog

Tired of people who play servers thinking they know everything about classic. The only people who understand what vanilla was similar to is people that played vanilla. 

Not pserver volunteer programmers or youtubers. But oldschool players that were there. And blizzard who have access source code. Go listen to kungen that guy knows what hes talking about wow classic gold

. I mean look what happened along with warlock pet summons. Virtually nothing about the client has anything it is all controlled by the host and nobody has ever had access to its code or the host.

 They only go by older logs/parses/captures (where there are not that many) and forum posts etc. ). Items are the only thing thats sort of'inbetween' so it's easy to find that since the databases didn't have thing stats. However, proc prices and such weren't in that information.

As he had some interesting things to elysium project nethergarde gold

 say, yea at first I enjoyed tips. But he speaks to a few. Hes like a Alexensual. But lets be real all talked about a game. This multiple rank 14 guy from Nost or whatever hes a god. 

Im like. Well this man is playing with a illegal server where half of the classes have bugs making them less effective etc., I couldnt care what people in basements are saying about a cloned version of WoW Classic. The fact is its cloned well. More like a nicely made marketplace fake. Classic will type the men out .

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