The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold is an enjoyable game from FuguiJin's blog

The Elder Scrolls Blades Gold is an enjoyable game. It's mobile. What's the rush? I can not stand grindy and demanding these games are recently. Playing games is starting to feel like work if the grind is enjoyable, and only marginally offset. Like most mobile games, they will need to add progress slow to mitigate the loss of interest.bethesda eventually made a game(albeit a spinoff) which was actually good and decent in recent memory only to shot themself on its foot with age old chinese/korean/asian gacha f2p type mtx bullshit. Release this with a fix cost, eliminate mtx, add paid dlc amount contents and you'd have a mobile The Elder Scrolls Blades.

I meanthis is the way these games work. Has no played any other games like this? Though some cost less, but they also don't seem to have cost in growth. That is pretty much exactly the exact same type of pricing because in game currency in items such as The Elder Scrolls Blades or GW2, etc.. I feel a lot of people here play single player games and aren't used to MMOs that have 22, like. That is how things are currently functioning. With the chests, I set them to open when I go offline. Easy peasy.

I was anticipating ESB Gold, but it isnt what identification hoped. I've a note , yet it doesnt look like how it will for others. Looks like its below the smallest settings (assuming the graphics are lowered depending on device) plus it can be so bad sometimes it only sucks off the immersion. So far as the micro transactions, when im working its ok cuz I can only play it on chests and break will be open by the time I go on my next break. However, when im bored. Everything is ruined by it.

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By FuguiJin
Added May 9 '19



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