Added huge amateur arise in backward from lolgafifa's blog

The Witcher 3 was arise on May 19, 2015, about four years to the day afterwards The Witcher 2 aboriginal hit PC. By the end of summer, it had awash added than six actor copies aloft PC and consoles. That was abandoned a little surprising, because The Witcher 3 is an absurd game—it was acceptable enough, and big enough, to allurement in players who'd never affected  rocket league items  the alternation before. A year later, CD Projekt put the final touches on the Blood & Wine amplification and a Bold of the Year re-release. And that, a bit added surprisingly, was abundant to accomplish The Witcher 3 the second-best affairs PC bold on Steam in all of 2016.

In the year afterwards its release, it fabricated added money in gross acquirement than the new Doom, Call of Duty: Atramentous Ops 3, Stardew Valley, Acceleration of the Tomb Raider, and added huge amateur arise in backward 2015 and throughout 2016. That fabricated The Witcher 3 a 'Platinum" seller. Valve abstruse the amateur in ceremony tier, so it's harder to apperceive absolutely breadth The Witcher 3 ranked, but it was up there with Dark Souls 3 and Fallout 4 and The Division. Absorbing legs, Geralt, but not absolutely shocking.

But here's what I just can't get over. Valve afresh put calm accession ceremony of Steam's top 100 games, by gross acquirement which covered 2017. And The Witcher 3 is still on it. And not just in the top 100. It's still in the platinum tier! Up there with Dota 2 and Rocket Alliance and Warframe, which advertise in-game items by the basal truckload, and PUBG, which awash added than 20 actor copies in 2017.

No new expansion, no re-release. The Witcher 3 allegedly doesn't allegation  those things to  accumulate selling. It's in that absurdly aristocratic bank of amateur now, forth with the cast of Admirable Theft Auto and Mario Kart, that artlessly keeps affairs year afterwards year. And who knows how able-bodied The Witcher 3 has awash on GOG, the belvedere that CD Projekt owns?

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