Maplestory M is fans' opportunity from Sletrry's blog

I have played walnut for a while, but still don't understand the best way to produce billions of MapleStoryM mesos. I have attempted elite supervisors, but they are so annoying to discover and to even acquire Maple M Mesos. I want more harm on my wind archer, my harm range is 78000-90000 (flat 153}. What's so gosh darn expensive and I cant fund my characters values crap.

I do not spend money on MapleStoryM MS and am considered underfunded, but get around it. I have friends that give me their"bad scrolled" items which are much better than mine, even if they screwed their scrolling up it. There are a number of really wonderful MS players out there which are going to assist you also. I tend to NPC most stuff because of hating the free market. Just look for some people around and talk to them.

You would be suprised that they may help buy Maple Mobile Mesos..or even encourage you to their guild. Then someone out of my guild essentially gave me bad"CRA" equips. We all I need are the trousers and I got the entire set. In the meantime, I hope fighting GOLLUX also for his rings and such. I'm also doing Commerci boat quests for your sweetwater items. You may think trying for these also.

There was also a poster which made a list awhile back about how to get some good equips. I printed it out and ill try to summerize on here what he posted:Fight Easy mode magus. He drops nova equips, which are thought of as 2nd best equips in game.Do Crimsonwood questline to open bosses Gollux and Commerci up. He drops decent confront accessory/eye accessory.

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