Scrapped naga themed raid or for wow classic gold from Limm's blog

 The Dark Portal placeholder in Azshara was prob intended for a scrapped naga themed raid or for wow classic gold BFD dungeon but for some reason Blizzard moved it to Ashenvale before launching (Lots of dungeon and stunt designs were scrapped before launch and made their return in later expansions such as TBC/Wotlk).

Also Chris Metzen wasnt the man who made the many of WoW lore, thats a straight up bullshit Metzen drones are parroting about, he became the Lore Director in late TBC beta and even then he wasnt responsible for all lore but only for the cheap wow classic gold primary story regarding certain characters such as Illidan/LK/Deathwing/Thrall in expansions as there were atleast 5-8 people working on lore throughout evolution.

Fishing question: The answer is false, fishing was added because programmer's girlfriend asked him to add a fishing as a prof as a means to waste time prior to raid/WoW Classic, the developer turned it into a minigame therefore it wouldnt be so boring, afterwards on recipes regarding fish were gradually added into other profs, it had nothing to do with Blizzard being fearful of WoW Classic Gold farmers since WoW Classic Gold farmers werent a significant problem in vanilla, it just turned into a famous term and a difficulty in TBC.

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