Apex Legends guide: How to play Caustic from Sletrry's blog

It’s currently unclear how these items will be rolled out: whether all the new content will be front-loaded on the first day of the season,Apex Legends coins  or if it’ll be spread through the three months. With the first season starting in March, we should know a bit more about the plan soon.

Apex Legends players have discovered a hilarious method of eliminating enemies using Wraith’s Dimensional Rift.Though Wraith’s ultimate ability is designed for utility, it turns out it can be quite lethal under the right circumstances.In order to turn the portal into a deadly trap, the exit needs to be placed in an open doorway. Once friendly players are safely through, the door should be closed.

At this point, any more players who travel through the Dimensional Rift will be deposited in a gap that’s far too small for them and be instantly crushed to death.Obviously, this tactic requires the enemy to opt-in by travelling through the portal.

But new items and legends will also be coming with each season, aside from the battle pass itself. The roadmap suggests that new legends, weapons, and loot will all be added every season, which should add another layer of strategy to the ever-changing meta.

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