In retrospect, this was always likely to happen from rsgoldfastcom JK's blog

Nevertheless, we could see the ways in which maplestory 2 buy mesos is currently controlling the conversation. Drake combined Fortnite streamer Ninja for a session to shatter Twitch's record for concurrent viewers on one stream, and Ninja himself has been breaking records for months now. Fortnite is the sport that Good Morning America does a fad piece on, Fortnite is your game your kids won't stop playing. Fortnite passed Maple Story's listing concurrent gamers with 3.4 million back in early February, and the sport has almost assuredly increased since then. Even though Epic releases a endless stream of fresh content for Fortnite, Maple Story fights with cheaters and specialized issues. A new, smaller Maple Story map appears to be an answer to Fortnite's popularity. The indications are there, without a doubt -- Fortnite is winning in an uneven fight.

In retrospect, this was always likely to happen. I wrote about this at the moment, but Maple Story's main difficulty was that its appeal was all concept whilst execution lagged. The idea of 100 players falling onto a major map to scavenge weapons and battle out it struck a chord with all the gaming public, and the game climbed despite being at a somewhat rocky version of access. Bluehole was a little developer punching above its weight, but that meant it was constantly exposed to some heavyweight that chose to enter the ring. That is precisely what happened when Epic took a swing.

As a counterpoint, we will look at Overwatch. Overwatch did not devise the class-based shooter, exactly like Maple Story didn't invent Battle Royale. But it popularized it in this moment and because of this it's seen a wave of imitators like Maple Story. None of these imitators have been in a position to match Overwatch's victory, but largely because heavyweight does not really start to describe a programmer like Blizzard. It had the technical equilibrium, development and marketing muscle to keep things fresh. Other programmers could do well imitating its achievement, but taking it down was only going to be near impossible.

After Epic entered the Battle Royale globe, it did so with access to the sort of force Blizzard uses to maintain Overwatch on the top, as well as the sort of technical expertise that just the business that makes Unreal Engine really can assert. Most significant in this is equilibrium: bugs, hiccups and cheaters were something that Maple Story players dwelt because of the crucial appeal. As it turned out, however, a developer like Epic was effective at creating a far more stable solution, and ultimately that is just a much better way to play. With this out of the way, it started to crank out articles in go to this page the kind of map refreshes, restricted time manners, makeup and weapons: Maple Story could not hope to maintain.

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By rsgoldfastcom JK
Added Jan 23 '19



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