The other players on the map from rsgoldfastcom JK's blog

The other players on the map were hiding a whole buy mesos maplestory 2 lot more, and moving a lot less. They responded to the noise of footsteps more intelligently. The last engagements played out very differently, with nearly all players sticking into the edge of the circle and just sometimes poking their heads from cover. In essence, people were playing more like ... people. They had been displaying the sorts of strategies and behaviors which have been shown successful in the year because Battlegrounds went live on PC.

And that's fine. I didn't have any less fun. In fact, I had more fun getting fewer kills and end up with a sixth spot since the enemies had been behaving in more challenging ways.

But does this mean I was just killing robots off until rank 10? Not necessarily. But rumors are definitely flying about. Other people at Polygon possess their own feelings, and now there's a collection of dozens of threads on Reddit full of players that are simply astounded at their aptitude in the game straight from the gate. That is sending all kinds of red bonus flags locally.

Perhaps they weren't bots, however. They might also have just been new players trying to get their bearings. In any event, I am not even sure that I care. What's perplexing is the reason that is not made clear at the outset.

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By rsgoldfastcom JK
Added Jan 21 '19



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