Sanctum comes with the Coven Cape from lolgafifa's blog

Well this is a fun surprise. Buy Fortnite Items: Action Royale's aboriginal macho Vampire skin, Sanctum, is now accessible in the Item Shop just in time for Halloween.He appears to be the macho analogue to Dusk, a changeable vampire Outfit in the accepted Division 6 Action Pass.Sanctum comes with the Coven Cape, and can be commutual with the Moonrise Harvesting Tool, which was allotment of the accumulation of leaked cosmetics beforehand this week.Sanctum was not allotment of that leak, admitting dataminers did acquisition references to the derma and to it possibly accepting a vampire.

Sanctum and the Coven Cape amount 1,500 V-Bucks (about $15) while Moonrise costs 1,200 V-Bucks The Best Place to Buy Games Gold & Coins & Items. Check out some screenshots:Which Halloween derma is your admired so far? There accept been some absolutely abundant ones this year---you can absolutely see how abundant bigger Epic Games' artists accept gotten in the accomplished year or so.

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