In addition to the release date from xingwang's blog

MapleStory, that wacky MMORPG that just refuses to die is about to embark on its next journey. That’s right, after numerous betas (I played in one, I’m not ashamed to say that), MapleStory 2 is almost upon us. Scheduled for an Oct. 10, 2018, release date, the game will be available for all PC gamers to check out.  When the game officially launches, a few things will be added that weren’t in the beta. A new location, Karkar Island, that’s filled with new creatures and dungeons. There’s even a new class called the Runeblade. Finally, the level cap will be raised to 60. 

In addition to the release date, Nexon sends word that the pre-registration for the MapleStory 2 is also now available. Head on over to LOLGA the official website, here, to sign up, download the launcher for the game, and reserve your name. I mean, you don’t want anyone else taking your super unique name, do you? Besides, it’s completely free.

Those that do pre-register will also earn a couple of in-game prizes, which haven’t been announced as of yet.  So, why would you want to check out MapleStory 2? Everything that made the first game so enjoyable has been brought over and the gameplay mechanics have been tweaked. Visually, the game has received a huge advancement; it’s all 3D. While the first game was stuck as a 2D sidescrolling game, this time you’re in a vast 3D world. 

Which is a reliable online belvedere to acquirement MapleStory 2 Mesos and M Mesos?
MapleStory 2 is the a lot of accepted chargeless to play multiplayer role amphitheatre online bold which has huge numbers of admirers about the world. NSquare is a developer of this bold and it was aboriginal appear in Korea on July 7, 2015. This accomplished bold usually takes huge numbers of the aboriginal MapleStory bold appearance and aswell applies all of them to the 3D environment. A lot of of the NPCs, mobs and aswell locations are authoritative the acknowledgment in this aftereffect even admitting with the altered numbers of changes.
Purchasing MapleStory M Mesos:
For your acknowledged MapleStory bold play, you should charge to acquire added numbers of the M Mesos in your gaming account. Already you accept absitively to acquire a lot of M Mesos, it is awful capital to acquisition the best online bold abundance and accomplish a aggregate order. In this way, Lolga is in fact the best and reliable belvedere area you can accomplish an adjustment for the absolute numbers of MapleStory M Mesos as per the alone requirements of the customers.
This maple adventitious bold is acutely ball and a lot of MapleStory M Mesos agitative bold to play. In adjustment to ensure your success in this bold play, you can appointment online belvedere and accomplish an adjustment for the specific bulk of MapleStory M Mesos as per your gaming requirements. All these M Mesos will advice in the advance of your MapleStory bold play. Actuality at this Lolga bold store, there is an accretion banal for the M Mesos and you will anon get the supply of your orders anon to your MapleStory gaming account. At the aforementioned time, all of them are affordably priced just aural your budget.

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