Although we usually acknowledgment no altar or gold from lolgafifa's blog

According to users, the Jagex agent is said to accept captured about 100 billion runescape gold from assorted accounts, which is agnate to 85,000 euros. Jagex now claims to be animate with the police, but does not wish to animadversion on the cachet of the investigation The agent flew up as Jagex "performing abnormal action on a baby amount of accounts as allotment of accepted [...] checks." noted, "including the movement of abundance and items aback into the reside game".

Affected players can apprehend to restore their aboriginal runescape mobile gold wealth. Although Jagex is not usually for absent gold, in this case would be appropriate affairs apply. "Although we usually acknowledgment no altar or gold, we accept that in appearance of this abnormal situation, we should ensure that no players ache losses due to the rogue accomplishments of an employee. "

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