Maplestory M Mesos Series Was Top of This Sports Gaming from Sletrry's blog

Many of my friends and I were looking forward to the merge since our server was a little empty and since we got new people to meet, we'd like to add all of them in our buddylist. Alot of my friends had to resort to MaplestoryM Mesos their buddylist so they could go beyond the 100 limit.

Or even 300? Heck even 150 is nice but a lot of us are missing opportunities to make new friends within the sport, MapleStory, and making new friends would make us continue to play with the sport as it wouldn't feel so lonely.

Yes, we still got our first friends ahead of the entire world merge but many are going on a long vacation, going to school, work, etc that it would get silent sometimes within the buddy chat.So yeah.... I hope I gave an exact reason why people have to find a buddy list expansion. The more friends, the greater reason to perform with!

It was so fun becaues it required attempt, it took months to get to lvl 70, and when you were lvl 70 you were praised. Sins at which the highest damagers in the sport. Idk I overlook it, I reallly want to relish maplestory but it's so easy and less enjoyable anymore (imo).

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