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Ranked Play on PC will require players to have enabled authentication in their Uplay account. Ubisoft has confirmed that this will come in to Grim Sky per month into effect, Rainbow Six Siege Credits a span of informing players of the shift that was incoming. That is, presumably, an attempt to cut down 'smurfing', or experienced players making accounts to higher ranks to worse and troll, boost newcomers. On the other hand, already, or players that activate two-factor authentication have it triggered, will receive an exclusive bundle for Thermite.

Another change are the fixes for the longstanding weapon sight misalignment. While the bullet fired -- especially against fully-automatic weapons - would hit where a weapon sight's reticule was positioned, any shot after that would be ever-so-slightly off. This causes significant problems in a game like Siege, in which being pixel-perfect may be the distinction between killing an enemy and being killed yourself.

The process is being completely overhauled to fix that. The problem has been caused by how the sights interact with the match field-of-view (FOV) and so that has been removed. Ubisoft claims this change will be the start of a discussion about weapons, with multiple improvements and evaluations for changes.

There will also be improvements that are general. One of the greatest changes for players of all ability levels is operator selects that are idle will work: Recruit is the default option. Rather, a operator from those the player are available for selection and has unlocked, will be picked. Since Recruit is not considered a character the majority of the time, this is helpful. They will still be an option for dedicated Recruit players that like to create use of their gadget and equipment pool.

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