The Celebrity of Maplestory 2 Mesos from Sletrry's blog

Pretty much my thought about pay2win aspect and this present cap damage.Your thought men about buy Maplestory 2 Mesos? Can you think cap damage is fine now? What's the pay2win facet for you? Yay I created a briefer and more accurate thread.

This is not a rant, this is just my sincere opinion of an important facet of this brilliant game, the value of the items in Maple Story gets totally destroyed with the upcoming Marvel Machine.

One of the most appealing things in this sport is, bossing, together with friends, guildies but a strong point of bossing is the income it gives, the oil of the runs, which an awesome thing that I think many of maplers (funded or even not financed players) enjoys is gollux, performing gollux everyday amassing gollux items little by little every day, we need more things such as gollux from the sport.

And here we've got some powerful items, non accessible by boss means, this is Lightning God Ring (LGR), Superior Lidium Heart and similar, etc.. They're NX exclusive.This does not end here, Marvel Machine (MC) also gives Chaos Root Abyss items (all of them), Anniversary Scrolls, all kind of Magnus Tyrant Items, Cloaks, Boots, Belts and Gloves (you need around 1 year performing kiritias quests to get one, likely the reason besides of the lag that NA did not release Hekaton was to make Tyrant Gloves more exclusive from NX way ), Superior Gollux Items, etc etc..

More product of games at Mmogdp!If you want to buy,welcome to!

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