Featuring massive new cross platform play updates from lolgagame's blog

This will all tie into the big July ceremony accident for Rocket League, which will amount amid July and August, featuring massive new cross-platform play updates, forth with the accomplishing of Progression 2.0, which will check the leveling, abolish the akin 75 cap and the adeptness to Rocket League Crates alleviate new attenuate items, titles and banners. The new akin cap will be continued up to 100, giving gamers even added affidavit to accumulate arena and unlocking accessory in the game.

Rocket League is switching to a new boodle archetypal affected by Fortnite: Battle Royale, the "Rocket Pass." Like the Battle Pass, the Rocket Canyon is a way for players to acquire specifice rewards by hitting specific levels during a season. There's no babble yet on if the "Rocket Pass" will barrage as it's still in development.

The account of the "Rocket Pass" comes alongside Rocket League's new agreeable roadmap for the advancing year. In May, a new Amphitheatre will be added, forth with new music, while June will see the barrage of a new summer-themed event. Cross-platform, something Psyonix continues to Rocket League Trading champion, will aswell accept a accompany and affair update.

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By lolgagame
Added Oct 16 '18



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