What Do You Think Of Today's Maplestory M Mesos Patch from Sletrry's blog

If I need talk more about cap harm, because most courses have this exact same cap damage, Maple Mobile Mesos produces a kind of unbalance in courses mainly due to funding, which is being a lot more pay2win. Dojo is a perfect example of class unbalance at cap amount too. And I also think cap harm is way too high.

I thought a decrease cap is needed and slightly nerf boss HP, not climbing with the reduced cap because people can still solo end-game boss. I mean if we lower cap damage by 40%, manager HP should be nerfed by 10-15%. They are end-game after all, but we can make a difficulty mode between normal and chaos boss.

Pretty much my thought about pay2win aspect and this present cap damage.Your thought guys about it? Do you believe cap damage is fine now? What's the pay2win facet for you? Yay I made a briefer and more accurate thread.

This isn't a rant, this is just my true view of an important aspect of this brilliant game, the value of these items in Maple Story gets totally destroyed with all the forthcoming Marvel Machine.

One of the most attractive things in this sport is, bossing, together with friends, guildies however a powerful point of bossing is the income it gives, the oil of the runs, which an wonderful thing that I believe many of maplers (funded or not funded players) enjoys is gollux, performing gollux everyday amassing gollux items little by little each day, we need more things like gollux in the sport.

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