Maplestory M Mesos Is Far Ahead Of Other Games from Cszcy's blog

Yes, we got our first friends before the entire world merge but a number of them are going on a long vacation, going to college, work, etc that MaplestoryM Mesos would get quiet sometimes within the friend chat.So yeah.... I hope I gave an exact reason why we have to get a buddy list expansion. The more friends, the greater reason to perform !

Hii everyone, after playing off and on for 10 years, I can't get myself back to maplestory.The best years were 2005-2010, (before big bang) where instruction was sooo fun along with also the pqs were amazing, lpq, ariant pq, carnival pq, kerning pq, etc.. Henesy Hunting Ground 1. It was so fun becaues it took attempt, it took months to get to lvl 70, and if you're lvl 70 you were praised. Sins where the greatest damagers in the game. Idk I overlook it, I reallly wish to enjoy maplestory but it's so simple and not as fun anymore (imo).

I really don't know if you guys know another game ( I dont know if you're able to name games to the forums) Runescape, or RS. This sport comes with an old school version of the game and its own very powerful, and more than half of the game population playing it because the simple, hard working games are favored by many.I don't know if I'm the only one that feels just like this, anyways--

Anyone else feel like that? Thank you for reading the entire thing if you did My IGN is JeoYoona, Scania btw.The populace is falling steadily and has fallen significantly. Windia was did Bera, Broa, and occasionally Khaini, today all the worlds are dead apart from Scania.

The alliances of the planet makes it obvious the popualtion is perishing and something isn't going right. I hope so as well, I believe its a great idea, then it might just be that there is a lot of new games out and/or both. Thank you for placing your insight on this particular topic btw.

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By Cszcy
Added Oct 9 '18



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