Rainbow Six Siege Gets The Technical Test Server On PC from Cszcy's blog

On the 1 hand, having no duplicates is a great idea and makes such loot boxes better than many. However, Ubisoft is really screwing the pooch by not permitting players to earn packs via Cheap R6 credits. That's a large no-no for both premium and free-to-play games. Frustration is abundant from the game's subreddit, and even the answer to Ubisoft's latest change of course is filled with gamers upset by pay-only loot packs.

So while I commend Ubisoft on their speedy response and crystal clear communication--something that a certain Destiny 2 programmer could learn from--I can't suggest any Rainbow Six: Siege player spends a dime on those packs. It is not a fair system and the community shouldn't support it using their hard-earned cash.

Everybody Hates Ubisoft's New'Ghost Recon: Wildlands' And'Rainbow Six Siege' Loot Boxes

As 2017 winded down, I recall believing that Ubisoft had a fairly solid year, even though it was Nintendo stealing all the headlines. They revitalized Assassin's Creed with Origins, some series I thought had long since lost my interest. They had a surprise sleeper hit with Ghost Recon: Wildlands, a somewhat generic but extremely popular open world shooter, while The Division was the fastest-selling brand new IP ever and experienced a renaissance in two. And they continued to defy the odds of Rainbow Six Siege, arguably the very best tactical shooter in the market, as a result of endless support from Ubisoft and its own dev team.

But of note was what Ubisoft was missing. Significantly, the sorts of microtransaction-based controversies that continuously plagued its fellow developers, Activision and EA.

Well, welcome to 2018. Ubisoft has taken two of its own most-liked games and...jammed some loot boxes to them. Information at twitter it might be better to insert loot boxes months or years ago the release of your game rather than right at launch, certainly the most faithful players who have stuck around do not really appreciate the move, or the assumption that since they love the sport, they are prepared to be milked.

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By Cszcy
Added Sep 27 '18



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