The games appeal still appears to be primarily for Eastern audiences from xingwang's blog

The game's appeal still appears to be primarily for Eastern audiences. The only Western accomplishment Nexon chose to highlight was a No.45 ranking in the highest grossing on the Apple App Store, and No.46 on Google Play.

MapleStory was such a huge hit back when it launched around a decade ago, and the series is making a comeback with a sequel and a mobile spin-off. While the mobile title plays pretty much like the first game, the fully-fledged sequel switches things up by  MapleStory 2 Mesos going fully 3D and essentially building a new MMO from the ground up. That being said, veterans in the series won’t feel completely left out with all of these changes, as MapleStory 2 does keep its core concepts and ideas close to heart amid this surprisingly interesting transition. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time with the beta, and it’s looking promising so far.

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