The Rainbow Six Siege Was Top of This Sports Gaming from Cszcy's blog

Whether you've played with plenty of VR games in the past, there is something definitely different about playing a team shooter while sporting a PS R6 credits  headset. Firewall was really designed to be performed with a PS Aim Controller, as you maintain the physical peripheral into your face when aiming down the sights, though it's also playable using the plain ol' DualShock 4. To stop VR nausea, the default camera flick-turns to let you look in different directions - and that change has a massive influence on your ability.

Even if you've racked up wins in different shooters via quick no-scope shots, rapid-fire multikills, and 180-degree turns to blast somebody who's sneaking up on you, Firewall will break down skills you mastered long ago. If you find yourself getting flanked, panic may set in before sprinting for life, while you flick your vision towards cover. I found myself relying on SMGs with prolonged clips because I could not trust myself to properly line up exact shots in a timely manner. And even though I was unable to hit my targets, the action of trying to will be strangely satisfying. Given that VR is made possible by dual screens in the headset, it's very possible - advisable, even - to shut one eye and line up your vision to the gun's sights as you would with an actual firearm.

That's just one of the many ways FPS actions that are apparently ordinary turn into unexpected moments. Nothing makes you panic mines like physically appearing down to see that your virtual feet have stepped onto a volatile. As I do with all VR hands-on demos, I had to attempt looking down the barrel of a realistic rifle and unloading bullets directly into my head; Firewall delivered using a run of adrenaline-inducing muzzle flashes.

Even though it's got all the makings of fun multiplayer, the biggest hurdle to Firewall's long-term victory is the seeming rarity of four to eight buddies who all own a PS VR game news and an Aim Controller for the most immersive, enjoyable experience. More likely, you will have to pair up with other headset owners on the internet, which may greatly affect your group's communications - an invaluable advantage in a tactical shooter like Firewall.

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By Cszcy
Added Sep 19 '18



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