It’s all down to Nvidia server sites broadcast above Europe from lolgafifa's blog

The best (and easiest) way to play MapleStory M Mesos on your Mac is via Nvidia’s new cloud-based animate service, GeForce NOW for Mac. The service, currently attainable in beta anatomy in the UK, Europe and the US, allows Mac gamers a abundant and simple way to play any bold from Steam or behindhand of whether it offers macOS/Mac OS X support, or how able your Mac is. You can run the latest graphically-demanding PC amateur on a basal Mac Mini if you in actuality appetite to.How is this abracadabra managed? It’s all down to Nvidia server sites broadcast above Europe and the US which handle all the processing acclimatized by the games. If you baddest a bold you’d like to play on your Mac, Nvidia’s impressively able servers (which we’re told provides the agnate to GTX 1080 performance) run the bold accidentally afore sending it to your Mac via the internet.

The best part? Every bold that’s attainable to play on GeForce Now for Mac has been optimised for streaming, acceptation you’ll be accepting the best superior attainable afterwards accepting to burrow in and abuse the animation settings yourself LOLGA.Oh, and Nvidia keeps a buried adjustment of every bold attainable on Steam and on their servers, acceptation there’s no cat-and-mouse about while the bold downloads. You should be arena the bold aural about 30 abnormal of hitting the play button!

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