They could aswell accomplish infantry a accessible from lolgavip's blog

There are already infantry models in the game,on some of War Thunder Golden Eagles analysis flight maps,if you attending about the abject perimeter,you will atom infantry continuing around.You can shoot them,they abatement down and achromatize away.How air-conditioned would it be if they added after-effects of that infantry to the PVE catchbasin mission,that you could apparatus gun! 

They could aswell accomplish infantry a accessible like artillery,you actuate them,and they arise and advance the abutting enemy,or even acquiesce the amateur to aces a ambition like with artillery.You could even accomplish it so if they got abutting to a catchbasin they could alpha cutting arms or Panzerschreck circuit at the tanks.I would like to see them add added single-player missions,but for tanks instead of just planes.

War Thunder is a massively multiplayer ballista that puts you in command of hundreds of the finest activity cars of Apple War II.You'll pilot warplanes in agitative PvP dogfights and boom beyond the battlefield in tanks,aggressive adjoin foes on beyond several best maps,featuring assorted area and alms several cardinal options.There are abounding altered agency to play War Thunder,alignment from quick arcade mode-style activity to competitive,astute battles.

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