Sony San Diego in a cavalcade on the MLB The Actualization from lolgafifa's blog

MLB 16's servers acquire been animate at a molasses-slow pace, abnormally during prime-time hours, creating boring delays for humans searching to play Architecture Dynasty. Pastapadre letters that the issues were even worse endure night: Aback the bold checks in with the servers if it boots up ó it awards a new Architecture Dynasty anniversary for anniversary circadian login ó some players were cat-and-mouse "upwards of 5 minutes" just to get to the capital menu."We apologize that the activity of barrage and the alpha of the assay has been soured by these issues," said Sony San Diego in a cavalcade on the Cheap MLB18 Stubs forums this afternoon. "Our aggregation is demography every footfall all-important and animate about the alarm to antithesis our online servers as anon as possible."

As a added acknowledgment for the server trouble, Sony San Diego is accouterment a agglomeration of chargeless agreeable to anybody who played MLB The Show 18 Stubs while affiliated to the PlayStation Network afore 1 p.m. PT today, April 8: 10 accepted packs of Architecture Dynasty cards and 5,000 Stubs (MLB 16's in-game currency). That amounts to $15 anniversary of chargeless items. The Stubs will actualization up automatically by April 12; the chargeless packs acquire to be opened aural the bold by that date.Sony San Diego aswell patched MLB 16 to adaptation 1.02 today. The amend addresses issues like the "challenge failed" errors that players were seeing if they approved to play adjoin added people, and aswell tackles a few freezing bugs. Apprehend the application addendum for added details.

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