On top of these already alien additions from lolgavip's blog

On top of these already alien additions,there's the FW 189 A-1 'Uhu',a aberrant accoutrement accepted  War Thunder Golden Eagles as the 'flying eye' because of its bottle cockpit and recon role,and aswell the Do 335 abundant fighter - Germany's fastest agent powered aircraft.

Meanwhile,on the ground,the acutely attenuate Falcon AA gun has been anxiously recreated in cooperation with the British catchbasin building in Bovington,and will accompany two added top-tier British cars accepting added in the amend - the Conway catchbasin boner and Chieftain Mk.3 capital activity tank.

Gaijin Entertainment are continuing to aggrandize their accepted free-to-play MMO War Thunder with new content.The latest amend (1.67) adds twenty new vechiles (including Japanese tanks) and 3 new maps (taking the accepted calculation over 80 (!) maps).The amend is anon to be followed by the accession of a address approach alleged Assault.By the sounds of it Beforehand will activity players a Horde-like approach breadth tankers and pilots charge to co-operate adjoin after-effects of enemies.

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