KD James is a role model from lolgavip's blog

Today,the Warriors trained at the NBA Live Mobile Coins Cavaliers.After training,Warriors striker Kevin Durant was interviewed and talked about the finals and the Cavaliers' LeBron James.

Due to the outstanding performance of LeBron James this season,more and more people believe that even if the Cavaliers lose the finals,James should also get FMVP,which Durant has his own view.

"I don't think about it,but I'm sure LeBron won't accept this honor.I mean,he's a winner.I don't think he'll be happy to win the FMVP award after losing the game." Durant said.

Durant has played against James on the stage of the finals several times and talks about what LeBron means for his career.Durant said:"When you work hard and seek progress,there is one you can always watch.The goal is very good,especially if you are playing at the same time as you and playing on the same venue,it may be the top five player in history.You can learn from his actions on the court and the exchanges with his teammates.That's a lot.This is just like the elite players I used to watch Kobe Bryant and Tim Duncan like,you try to learn more from them.LeBron is a good example.Competing on the level stage,playing the best of themselves,can also make the game even more exciting."

Speaking of LeBron James,he may be able to join other teams against the Warriors in the offseason.Durant said:"I think LeBron will only follow his heart.I am a good friend of him,but We never talk about basketball when we are together,so I don't know."

The finals has played three games so far.Kevin Durant averaged 31.7 points,10.7 rebounds and 6.7 assists.LeBron James averaged 37.7 points,9 rebounds and 10.7 assists per game.

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