Old Thompson praises team doctor Chelsea from lolgavip's blog

Warriors guard Michael Thompson's father,Michael Thompson,was interviewed today and talked about NBA 2K18 MT Chelsea Lane,the team's injury prevention physical therapist.

When asked why his son was able to play G2,Old Thompson said: "Because of Chelsea,the Warrior's injury prevention physical therapist,I told her that night,she was a miracle maker and I saw it on Friday night.After Leigh,I almost told him: 'Clay,maybe you should wait to come back on Wednesday.'"

"The way he walked,the pain on his face,his ankles looked swollen.On Saturday evening,he began to bounce.He said: 'I'm much better.' He was treated twice a day.At home,he was sitting.There was ice and compression socks," said old Thompson.

"The Warriors' team medical team,you must give them all the praise." Old Thompson said.

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