This was mainly due to the injury of a center Kuznetsov from xingwang's blog

The difference from the first match between the two sides is that the gold knights on the offensive end of the game have all rolled over the capital and the number of shots is 1.5 times that of the opponent. The data on the offensive end of the capital was down. This was mainly due to NHL 18 Coins the injury of a center Kuznetsov. His injury led to Buck Strom and Eller needing to play the role of a group with the center of the two teams, and at the same time with the matching winger. Scoring rate is not good, the capital bears the brunt of the need to criticize the Bakstrom, he 29% of the game's scrimmage rate has greatly lowered the average of the capital's people in this game. In terms of the Golden Knights, the three teams center Cody Igin performed well in the field and the 100% ball success rate greatly helped the team.

On the defensive end, behind all the data of the capitalists leading the Golden Knight, is their endless use of the body to oppress the opponent. After the last defeat, Ovechikin said that the ice hockey should be carried through to the end. Sure enough, after implementing the tactical thinking, the capitalists also slammed their eyeballs on the defensive end, helped the goalkeeper Holtby reduce the defensive pressure, and finally resisted the counterattack of the Golden Knights in the third quarter, retaining the victory of the field. fruit.

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