I have argued that the Switch offers unique opportunities for developers from xingwang's blog

I’ve argued that the Switch offers unique opportunities for developers and players if the console is thought of as a home for games that play much better undocked than docked as well as a platform that supports both modes equally well. Panic Button’s port of Rocket League to Rocket League Items the Switch is an excellent example of a game that supports this argument. The docked version has nothing to offer people who already play the game. The undocked version has everything to offer players who want to play on the go. Thank you, Switch.

Rocket League will get improved visuals for its Nintendo Switch version later this spring, and for Xbox One X later this year.The plans are outlined in a development roadmap Psyonix revealed to Rocket League players earlier today. They include the kickoff of a seventh competitive season next month, new licensed premium downloadable content in March and the introduction of tournaments sometime in the spring.

The improvements to the Switch’s visual performance will raise the game’s resolution to 900p while docked and 720p in handheld mode, both at 60 frames per second “with infrequent dynamic resolution scaling.” As of now, according to Digital Foundry, Rocket League’s maximum resolution is 720p in either mode, with dynamic resolution taking it as low as 576p. These updates are coming in March or April.

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