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Fox Pan American Sports, that was majority-owned by a clandestine disinterestedness firm, and FIFA Coins that Fox Sports had "no operational control" over T&T."Any advancement that Fox Sports knew of or accustomed of any bribes is absolutely false," she said.Globo said on Tuesday that it "does not convenance nor abide the transaction of bribes," and would abet with U.S. authorities. It could not anon be able for animadversion on Wednesday.


Televisa beneath to animadversion on Tuesday, and could not anon be able Wednesday.The three media companies acquire not been answerable in the U.S. case.Burzaco's affidavit has declared bribes to admiral in barter for media rights throughout all-embracing soccer, including accustomed payments amounting to tens of millions of dollars for rights to the Copa America and Copa Libertadores tournaments.


Jorge Delhon, an Argentine advocate who aforetime formed for the Buy FIFA Mobile Coins government-run soccer television affairs Futbol Para Todos (Soccer for All), committed suicide backward Tuesday, hours afterwards Burzaco testified that he took bribes, Argentine badge said.The three aloft admiral on balloon in Brooklyn are Juan ángel Napout, aloft admiral of the South American soccer administering physique CONMEBOL and Paraguay's soccer federation;


Manuel Burga, aloft admiral of Peru's soccer federation; and José Maria Marin, aloft admiral of Brazil's soccer federation.Burzaco has testified that he was circuitous in allurement payments to all three. In aperture statements Monday, their attorneys denied that they took bribes. (Reporting By Brendan Pierson in New York; alteration by Grant McCool) Soccer-Peru down New Zealand to complete Apple Cup calendar | Daily Mail Online

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