The best shocks in the tournament from loyaty's blog

England lost in the World Cup. Coaches such as Capello and Rooney became the targets of British media criticism. However, in the latest FIFA technical report, the team has become a team with outstanding performance. Rooney also received praise.

The FIFA Technical Research Team consists of 16 experts, including former Liverpool manager Houllier, who conducted research and evaluation of the World Cup. There are no lack of praises in the report about England.

The report believes that the England team “can quickly move from guard to offense Rocket League Crates, using a wide range of offense in the offense and effectively using the full-back.” Left-back Ashley Cole was awarded “A competitive Left-back, with good skills, the sprint of forward assists is very powerful."

The report said that England is an excellent team, saying that the English players are a group of "strong, hard-working players who have used air superiority when defensively positioning the ball."

Rooney was one of the worst players in the World Cup, but the FIFA report still praised him. He said he was "very hard working, full of energy" and showed "very good technology" Rocket League Keys. He recalled that Rooney had even the ball in the World Cup. With poor performance, this report may make England's fans ridiculous.

However, the report listed England as one of the "best shocks in the tournament" in the first round of the knockout round. Others including France and Italy were eliminated in the group.

For the winner, Spain, the report stated that “they are a perfect team and can compete for the best team in the century” and that the runner-up Holland played good football before the final.

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By loyaty
Added Apr 4 '18



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