Sports tribunal CAS rejects to RS gold from mtnba2k's blog

Sports tribunal CAS rejects Champagne's RS gold voting booth request ByReuters Published: 11:03 EST, 25 February 2016 | Updated: 11:03 EST, 25 February 2016 e-mail ZURICH, Feb 25 (Reuters) - Sport's highest tribunal has rejected FIFA presidential candidate Jerome Champagne's urgent request for transparent voting booths and independent scrutineers at Friday's election for the head of the global soccer body.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) said it rejected on Thursday the request which Champagne filed on Wednesday.Rival FIFA presidential candidate Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan's request for Friday's election to be postponed because of an issue with the voting booths had also been rejected by CAS. (Reporting by Brenna Hughes Neghaiwi; Editing by Michael Shields) FIFA presidential election tainted by claims of Olympic lobbying from Sheik Salman's camp | Daily Mail Online.

The dirty tricks campaign around the FIFA presidential election reached new heights on the eve of the vote in Zurich with claims that the camp of the favourite — Sheik Salman bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa — has been using National Olympic Committee contacts to lobby for last-minute backing.

Sports Agenda has been shown an email trail that clearly demonstrates concern that the Sheik’s team allegedly contacted some European countries supporting his main rival Gianni Infantino, via Olympic sources, to buy OSRS gold encourage them to change sides.The countries contacted say the calls came from Olympic officials in Hungary.

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