Health director of the Brown Bears from loyaty's blog

On July 31-August 2nd, a three-day 2017 Olympic gold championship ice rink and NHL Boston Brown Bear official summer camp officially closed at Shanghai Festival City Ice Arena. At the same time, the second visit of the Boston Bruins to China has also come to a successful conclusion.

This year's training camp, the Boston Bruins team not only sent legendary star Hal Gill, senior ice skills coach Scott Brown who has more than 10 years of training experience for young players, and served 15 years as current team health director of the Brown Bears physical coach. John Whitesides and several teaching assistants sent Tuukka Rask, Torey Krug and David Pastrnak to the ice to personally demonstrate technical movements and guide training for campers. This made summer camp campers and parents excited NHL Coins

On the first day of the training camp, the campers took the lead in the basic practice of gliding techniques. Coach Hal Gill was still taking the lead in demonstrating the gliding skills for the campers. The campers then grouped together to learn and practise. In the process, The close interaction between the three stars of the Bruins and the campers is undoubtedly the most eye-catching spot on the court.

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By loyaty
Added Mar 28 '18



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