O'Brien's mystery from loyaty's blog

When the NBA Live opened its part of EA Play's keynote yesterday, I almost groaned. Are they dribbling again? In the 2013 E3 season, EA Sports led by NBA Live 14, the last time the game from the sudden cancellation of recovery. Please, I think, please do not make poems loudly bang.

This time, I hear a different tone. Sorry. Executive producer Sean O'Brien said: "Instead of talking about it, I want to show you. Compared with 2013, when he and Kyrie Irving on the dribble and player data were two Minutes of discussion when there is no game.

NBA Live in 2013 E3 is essentially so lacking, this time in November launched the game seems to be no surprise, there has been the impact, so that players are confused, or even lack of practice mode of the basic facilities. Yesterday, NBA Live in the game machine to obtain an unexpected sign of life, which is more than a year for the first time.

O'Brien's speech seems to admit that this series has been exhausted with the audience. If there is hope to be taken seriously, NBA Live must show the specific things. It did it. Let their utility and execution get a later judgment, but finally have this series since the fate of the bad NBA elite 11 since want to implement the double stick, the concept of movement and dribbling, and did not completely fall off.

O'Brien promised a free presentation in August; it was a big promise. EA Sports must know that if they miss this date, they will be judged strictly. Then there is an explanation of the new career model, which seems to take advantage of the last Pro-Am model launched in 2015.

All this is illustrated by the picture in the game. 2013 presentation from the game without any content.

It is fair to say that this is a game of more than a year - once again built, and in the past there is little meaning: a cancellation (NBA Live 13) and a completely incomplete product (NBA Live 14). In addition to the franchise until the beginning of things, NBA 2K is still a competitor NBA Live Coins. Even if "The One" performs its vision of yesterday's show, NBA Live 18's career model is still much smaller than the NBA 2K MyPlayer suite, which also includes a pickup game that has been a story since 2013.

But EA Sports does not just EA on EA Play 2017. This is something they did not do. There is no commitment, no trust in us, no player face or trailer close-up, less than the title card. There is no premature cover of the stars announcement. Tell and do not show the kind of thing.

In fact, in addition to my openly questioned routine commitment to return to the game machine, I do not think anything else is heard between February and yesterday.

While some of the speakers' jokes on Saturday night are usually indirect speculation, the overall mood is low-key, especially O'Brien's mystery. No one would expect him or anybody in the NBA Live to wear their own party's hair shirt, after all, the NBA elite is the old news.

In a subtle way, I think the NBA Live 18 speech admitted to my frustration, showing something worthwhile to put it aside, rather than barely.

The roster is Polygon's column at the intersection of sports video games.

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By loyaty
Added Mar 15 '18



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