NBA Live is the first video game from loyaty's blog

In the late 90 s, Travis is very popular in the local punk rock community, I participated in and the local punk band for the tour, hardcore band and indie rock band do DIY concert, Chris to join the world of sound engineering and production. Travis had to give up the opportunity to live in a real room in order to create a very original prototype drum room, will become the current a studio masterpiece NBA Live Coins into first Baptist church of courage - sitting room studio - hundreds of thousands of great record (and other tens of thousands of records), two sets of treme is taken here. Travis band practice will be in the garage, tour the band will crash in home/studio, this is the core of our society -- a scenario often include the NBA live game, barbecue and drink too much wine.

This offseason reminds me of some games. I think that NBA Live is the first video game to allow you to host a fantasy draft, and we'll do something about it from time to time. We all have our own team style, but most of us have a good understanding of the value of players, and in the process of these drafts, players fall off. I usually in the first round caught Chris Webber, and tried to catch my second choice, because he doesn't like him in my mind is considered to be his second choice, because he was in my second choice is not acceptable to him, and then filled with there. Chris always goes to Tim Duncan, and Travis will go with Shaq. However, we have another friend - Ryan - who will choose Steve Kerr in the first round because he is his favorite player. No matter how many times we try to explain that you can get Kerr in the 7th round, he will eventually go into the first round. Ryan is the eastern conference.

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By loyaty
Added Jan 29 '18


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