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Redirecting is a technique in which a scammer embeds some factor inside a link that takes you towards the true website to begin with, but then moves you into a fake page that looks indistinguishable. You will find a lot of examples of this.

Another frequent tactic involves scaring you into believing your account was compromised when it really hasn't. You could possibly be given a message saying something like: "Your account has been temporarily suspended due to suspicious activity. This is another effort to get cheap fifa 18 coins you to give up your password and username.

EA will never send you emails claiming your account has been compromised. EA won't ever contact you through ANY means asking for this info.

Should you ever receive a personal message inside the forums asking for your account information, it's fake. Scammers will even use names that seem legitimate, such as "EA Admin" or even "FIFA Developer". Again, EA will never ask you for your account details.

Should you receive a message similar to this particular report it to a single particular of the forum moderators. Those responsible for sending messages of this sort will endure swift justice -- justice that could affect more than just their forum privileges, up to and including a full console ban.

Should you ever get a private message through your console's online messaging program asking for your account data, it's fake. EA won't ever contact you via your console's messaging program for any reason. Do not give out your details and report the specifics of the message working with the built-in report instrument.

Scammers are using Shared Squad hyperlinks to try to phish info. Remember: you do not require to become logged into to your EA account to seem at a Shared Squad. Shared Squads can be viewed by anybody, and like every single other official connection. If you're attempting to view a Shared Squad and are redirected to a sign page, it's a scam. Do not proceed any further.

Chemistry Styles are consumable cards. Like every single other consumable, they can be bought around the market, or got from a bunch.

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