capable of earn enjoy on your essential person from xingwang's blog

of your tough-earned gear at the same time as you look EFT Roubles for clean loot. You’ll start with one of the randomized loadouts that the opposite AI get, because of this you’ll have very restricted ammunition and no frame armor. You’re still deadly, of path, but you don’t have any room to be sloppy.

You’ll be joining a in shape in progress, so that you’ll probably be surrounded. The appropriate information is that different AI-controlled Scavs won’t to start with see you as an enemy.

One of the drawbacks of gambling as a Scav is that you received’t be capable of earn enjoy on your essential person. You also won’t be able to finish any in-game tasks either. Just awareness on getting into, getting a few loot, and getting out in one piece.

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