Rocket League Items will show players what from xingwang's blog

Outlines will show up in a Rocket League game update one month from now. Set forth plainly, these new drop things Rocket League Items will show players what they can assemble and the value it'll cost. These things will be set in the player's stock, where they'll have the option to get to it and make it at whatever point they'd like. 

In a report on Blueprints today, Psyonix uncovered that players will have the alternative of exchanging the things with different players, however there are a few special cases. Free drops, uncovered Blueprints, and things produced using Blueprints will all be tradable, as will any stock things that are tradable and were procured before the new framework's appearance. 

Psyonix says concealed Blueprints can't be exchanged; sometimes, Credits will be tradable. Credits won't be tradable on the off chance that they're exchanged for credits and they won't be tradable 'to no end.' Players in like manner won't have the option to exchange things from the Item Shop, Bonus Gifts, nor Esports Shop things. 

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