Someone handing out bags to wow classic gold from Limm's blog

Beautiful story but the beginning timeline appears to be odd. Level 1-5 you reply to someone handing out bags to wow classic gold newbs (which would be you at level 5) but you are both in Mulgore (on it's own somewhat odd for quite a low level undead) and then you're also much higher level than the individual giving out crafted goods to newbs who also needs your help with a quest?

Believe I was about 7-1/2 and she had been about 5. Sorry, prob should specified it somewhat better.

Desolace really isn't the area you wan na na be if a person rejects you. Bold move. And sweet narrative, really jelly that your special someone plays wow on you, I played with for 8 years before I met my wife and she doesn't like competing with the game lol, I have kinda gotten away from it (life and career goals) but nevertheless a major fan!

That's a great story. Are U still horde in classic? My gf rolls her eyes when I am playing Wow. It's good that U can play along with your partner.

You see, this is what games shine at. Having this strategy irl would probably earn you a restraining order whereas in mywowgold classic wow gold it is just adorable:-RRB-. Great drawing btw!

Congratulations! Additionally, I met my GF on classic WoW haha, she was supposed to relocate to my nation but COVID limitations are keeping us apart for today. Super cute idea to draw on the portrait by the way! I wish I could draw haha. Best of luck to you both!

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