People keep trying to OSRS gold from Limm's blog

People keep trying to OSRS gold believe it's still enjoy the older Runescape in order that they compare it all of the time. It is an almost completely different sport, with the only things staying the same are the titles of items, places, and people.Individuals should quit trashing a game that they don't play. 

We already got OSRS from this deal anyway.Why would you lie then? We shouldn't let Jagex get away with this. I sincerely encourage every bad or good reviews.Rs3 sucks but that's because to me it looks like osrs (which is my nostalgia talking) but far too advanced and overly complex. Additionally, there are other sides of this too like a hyper inflated market that's just a product of its age, nothing to prevent that.
But it looks stunning and I could imagine if that's the sorta thing you prefer, it still gets the RuneScape allure, so individuals shouldn't review bomb it for being something they aren't interested in.Though I really wish they'd fix the battle system on rs3 to become user friendly and have no delay in use due to the tick system, thats really the only bad thing about rs3 other than mtx.Reviews shouldn't have a Thumbs up and Thumbs Down. There should only be testimonials According to Buy Runescape gold Time played alone. 
This way it is possible to try and review bomb a match but since most of the people will have less then 1 minute performed will demonstrate that it's just a negative review to become negative and not only a review of this sport.A ton of unwanted reviews mentioning OSRS may be a backup to the initial plan.-rep or +rep is standing -/+ not on their trading factor but as a person whole. I've got 5 pages of reps and never traded anyone.

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