Also having the ability to Madden 21 coins from Limm's blog

Also having the ability to Madden 21 coins correct the degree policy in training adjustments is actually helpful. Overall I have high expectations for the game and was  suprised that the few changes they made really enhanced gameplay a lot imo. Franchise style tho remains lacking and doesnt feel  anything like a real nfl broadcast. Hopefully with all the backlash they'll spend more in franchise next year.Better animation and  game play is something to be expected in a video game franchise therefore I am not going to commend EA for bare minimum effort.  Even tho is anticipated u can still praise the things they did well while still acknowledging that the game lacks a great deal of  features a sports sim ought to have. 

Why wouldn't give them credit for the great things they include and then criticize everything  else. Just seem like a hater...Because it's bare minimum and they get paid to take action. It is like me showing up for work and  logging in to my computer a little faster than last year afterward simply sitting there the remainder of the day.That's a place  where Madden has gone to shit through the years. . Just brutal.It is nothing like the playground of 2k. As I said, its not  connected to a career. They do not track losses and wins...I had a blast playing it when it worked... but there's zero replay  appeal and value.No It is not connected to a true career. I had been comparing to only the park game style itself. It's fairly  bland just 21 basketball. If you do not have a nice set of friends it's super fun. But playing randoms is not.You know, I played  Madden 2015 extensively.
 At one stage, I left it top 3% in online play and spent countless dollars on MUT. It consumed my entire  life. After that Summer of 2015, I put not away just Madden but my Xbox as well for FIVE YEARS. I have picked my Xbox upward for  anxiety and boredom relief now I have a fulltime job also , you know, the entire COVID thing.After reviewing this year's game, I'm  astounded by the way that it's exactly alike to the 2015 game. Truly, it is sad. I won't be purchasing. 
EA ought to be ashamed.I'm  having fun with it so far but I understand why some people can dislike it I simply enjoy supreme team along with the buy Mut 21 coins lawn and been  having pleasure on both whole spending no money.The bargain was they can not create simulation soccer but I believe we'd all go  purchase the 2K version and play franchise with arcade settings over whatever garbage madden attempts to throw at us .

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