Players can hope to Animal Crossing Items discover coconuts from ccosplayjojo's blog

Players can hope to Animal Crossing Items discover coconuts on pretty much all secret islands, which can be sold at a decent cost back home or be planted on the sea shore for palm trees. There's incredible cash to be produced using intriguing natural products, so make a point to grab whatever number as could reasonably be expected. 

Sporadically, in spite of the fact that it's exceptionally uncommon, a riddle island will have a little stamping on the ground demonstrating that a fossil can be uncovered. Generally an island will have only one fossil, however this is superior to nothing. 

Remember, in any case, that the bamboo island will seem to have various fossils in the ground. These are really bamboo shoots, so except if the player needs them, there's no point uncovering them all. Fossils are obviously extraordinary for giving to Blathers, however effectively found ones can bring a decent cost at Nook's Cranny. 

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