Every fish you catch in three minutes earns you a point from ccosplayjojo's blog

The Fishing Tourney in New Horizons isn't tied in with going up against different residents. C.J. will basically allow you three minutes to get the same number of fish as you can. Your first endeavor will be free, yet it'll cost 500 Bells for Animal Crossing Items each endeavor after. Animal Crossing is nothing if not the relentless pursuit of home improvement. Right now, the ironwood kitchenette is Animal Crossing’s white whale, an elusive beast driving players to ecstasy and despair. It’s a phenomenon. An obsession. And it ties the room together quite nicely. Every fish you catch in three minutes earns you a point, and if you catch more than three fish, you’ll earn two bonus points. In other words, if you catch five fish, you’ll earn seven points. You can keep returning to C.J. to earn more points throughout the day, at least until the Tourney ends at 6 p.m.

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