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Weapon modifications and continued ambit optics, with Bear on AK Systems and advance operations. For now, just accept the one with your admired skins. Selecting Scav spawns you with accidental gear, so you won’t accept to accouter any from your backing and accident accident it. Scavs are the bounded brigand band so added AI Scavs in the bold will not see you as a threat, unless you advance first. There's a cooldown on allotment to play as the Scav class, but it's bigger than accident your accessory and a acceptable way to alpha for new players in the capital card and annoyance the accessory from your backing assimilate your appearance archetypal to yield it with you.

If you die, you lose your accessory permanently. About it can be insured and alternate to you, if added players in the server don’t yield it. Depending on which appearance you assure it with, the acknowledgment time EFT Roubles can vary, but 24-36 hours is estimated for the absence insurer. Afore you bead into a map, bang next to hit the Insurance card and beat the items that you wish to assure and afresh click.This will spawn Scavs you can activity adjoin but you will not accept to anguish about adversary players, which is a abundant way to accustom yourself with Customs' cruel landscape.

Just bethink that while you will not lose any accessory if you die in Offline mode, you aswell can't yield any boodle you acquisition with you. If you're attainable to play with others but still don't feel confident, baddest the Scav chic to spawn with accidental gear, instead of risking it all with your own accessories as a PMC. A arrest is a individual play affair in EFT, and it's apparent from if you access a map to the moment you die or attain extraction. One of the aboriginal challenges you’ll face in a arrest is acceptance breadth you are on the map.

After spawning, get your bearings and plan your avenue to one of the attainable abstraction credibility — see added on those below. Key landmarks that announce you've landed on the west ancillary of the map cover the Storage Sheds and ‘Big Red’, a abundant red warehouse. If you can atom the Gas Station, Shipping Yard, or a lot of backcountry afresh you can cautiously accept you've accustomed on the east ancillary of Customs.

Exit, or extraction, credibility are the places in which you can leave with all your loot. Customs ’many abstraction credibility band its exoteric and consistently crave you to biking beyond the map afore you can leave. In added words, if you spawn on the west ancillary of the map, your abstraction credibility will be on the east, and carnality versa. Alone assertive abstraction credibility are alive during a arrest and they about circle anniversary time you spawn: Double tap 'O 'to analysis which credibility are accessible. Credibility labeled with a '?' crave you to accomplish an added activity afore extracting such as award a key or paying some roubles.

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