You're able to buy Temtem Pansun from Limm's blog

Back in Temtem Pansun Pokémon, it requires hours before I get to buddy up with my type of creatures: Psychic types. However, in Temtem, it is one. I've always been drawn to the oddities that use brain magic instead of these components to attack, while I love all the critters that tie elemental motifs with recognizable critters in Pokémon. 

I also picked Houchic since Mental, its kind, is strong against type creatures, which I assumed would appear in the first game. I can't speak for the experience of others playing Temtem, but all I know is my Houchic was blowing heads, making me feel powerful right from the start -- that is a far cry from the way I feel in the wee hours of a Pokémon game.Temtem PC Manual to breed Temtem, hatch eggs, fertility, and Much More
Temtem offers combat that is far more challenging than recent Pokémon RPGs. Therefore, having Temtem on your party makes a significant difference. Each Temtem found from the wild has base stats. So, to get a powerful group, you could spend time hunting for powerful Temtem, or you'll be able to run to the Breeding Center and see if you're able to buy Temtem Pansun hatch a more potent creature.
There is presently only one Breeding Center in Temtem, and it is located in the Superior Omninesia. You will only have the ability to achieve this place then, and after you have conquered Sophia, the Arissola Dojo pioneer taken the Narwhal airship to the Myrisles.

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