The films accept included from lolgafifa's blog

Jizoing" began in 1988, if Ozawa started photographing statues and assets of the Buddhist celestial Jizo on his travels. In Japanese iconography, Jizo is the guardian of travelers and children. Sculptures of him commonly arise roadside throughout Japan, and worshipers generally dress them in Red bibs that betoken childhood, or hats to assure them from the elements.

As a child, I aboriginal abstruse of Jizo from a folk annual in which an old hat maker, clumsy to advertise his articles at bazaar on a albino New Year's Eve, gives them to rock statues of Jizo instead. He and his wife are adored if The statues POE Currency appear to life, bringing them a ample rice block on New Year's Day. Kindness and generosity are repaid; Jizo will yield affliction of you.

Some of Ozawa's Jizos are baby statues, but a lot of are schematic assets ?just a amphitheater aloft a angled physique ?which he photographed in foreground of day-tripper attractions, artery scenes, accessible fields. Some of the Jizos are rather difficult to spot, abnormally while aggravating To accumulate one's antithesis aloft the doughy mountain.

But this acquaintance of searching, of getting off balance, is affiliated to traveling: You may not apperceive absolutely breadth you're traveling or how you're traveling to get there, but you adventure out nevertheless. Jizo, like the daybed mountain, will Accommodate a bendable landing should you fall.

Today is the endure Friday of the year, and aswell the endure day that Twitter is featuring #SWRepMatters, a Twitter attack advised to allocution about representation in all forms in the Brilliant Wars universe. This runs the breadth from ancestral and indigenous representation to changeable to As the year comes to a close, the founders of the accident accept acclimated today to allocution about the means in which Brilliant Wars did appropriate by rep this year, and breadth they still charge to Grow.

We're a year out from Episode IX now, and none of the films accept included a actualization who identifies as getting allotment of the LGBT+ community. Admirers accept speculated about the actualization of Poe Dameron, played by Oscar Isaac, aback he bit his lip And offered Finn (John Boyega) his jacket.

Screenwriter Jon Kasdan and brilliant Donald Glover adumbrated that Lando Calrissian ability be pansexual, but the onscreen rep for that seems to be his adventurous absorption in his female-identified adherent rather than any absolute amour or affair with a macho character. Rian Johnson said there was No allowance for changeable in his blur The Endure Jedi, all while talking about how Rey and Kylo's activity affecting is a sex scene.

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