Francesca to the agency of Satan from lolgafifa's blog

Watching this cine acquainted about absolutely like I bethink LSD feeling. (If my mom is account this, I am acutely kidding.)Unlike the ball of The Raven and the attempted cerebral abhorrence of Pit and the Pendulum, The Masque of the Red Afterlife goes Abounding on abhorrence in the attitude of Hammer Films again, but this time abundant afterpiece to the films they are best remembered for.

Also clashing The Raven and Pit and the Pendulum, Masque was accounting by Charles Beaumont and R. Wright Campbell, who assume to be far beneath allergic to chat than Matheson. The music is by David Lee, while the added two movies were denticulate by Les Baxter.

Look, I don't apperceive if this cine is bigger than the added two because altered humans formed on it; I don't apperceive if this cine is bigger than the added two at all! It is absolutely beneath fun than The Raven. But It feels like a accomplished movie, and not just something the assemblage threw calm on the weekend. I adulation B-movies and I adulation POE Currency movies the assemblage threw calm on the weekend, but sometimes I like a cine that feels like anyone in fact anticipation it out And accomplished their vision. This is that movie.

As I Said, Masque is full-on horror. There's no added tiptoeing about with abracadabra or agony here; Vincent Amount stars as Prince Prospero, who (because the adventure wasn't affable enough, I guess) has in fact awash his awash to Satan The red afterlife is a affliction that is overtaking the country, just as in the story.

Tasper peasants and burns a apple if he finds that the red afterlife is there...but if two men object, he orders them taken to his dungeon, and if barbarian babe Francesca (Jane Asher) altar to him demography away her ancestor and admirer , he takes her to the alcazar intending to abject her (not like that) (probably). So, those assume like acceptable agency to bolt the plague? But what do I know.

Prospero has agitation allurement Francesca to the agency of Satan, because her Ancestor acceptance is so strong. Prospero's adherent Juliana (Hazel Court) is anxious of Francesca, allowance her to escape with her men and afresh cogent Prospero of their escape attempt. Afresh Juliana gets Pecked to afterlife by a falcon.

Oh yeah, he was one of Prospero's entertainers梤enamed Hop-Toad梐long with a ballerina who I accept was meant to be a little getting like Hop-Toad (the adventure is inconsistent about her size), but was played by a adolescent ballerina Who is accurate dubbed by an developed woman. Hop-Toad erect murders a guy who was an asshole, in a agnate but hardly beneath apish address as in the story. WHEW. I am not ablaze why this was alleged as the B- Plot, but okay.

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